Holiday Places for Kids Spots

Holiday Places for Kids Spots
Activity with family camper is a very fun activity. Than
as a means of recreation, camping activities will further strengthen
the sense of family while teaching children about life in the wild,
take care of yourself in a situation minimal and teach self-reliance. One of the places that could be an option for families is Graphic Cikole Travel Terminal.
go to the Graphic Cikole : if we are from the direction of Bandung,
Tangkuban boat just before the junction we will pass through pine
forests. Well, Graphic Cikole location located on the left just at the beginning of the pine forest.
Graphic Cikole terminal is a tourist place in Lembang, Bandung is
located at the foot of Mount Tangkuban Perahu with an altitude of 1400
meters above sea level. Daily air temperature around 20 degrees Celsius with the contour of the land is hilly pine forest surrounded by 9 acres.
located in the middle of the pine forest, but we do not have to worry
about finding food difficult, because the Tourism in Bandung Lembang
has lodging facilities and a restaurant serving Sundanese cuisine,
seafood and chinese food, including :
Buana Sundanese restaurant with a balcony facing the hills and pine forests include live music facility.
Sangkuriang restaurant with bali style architecture and stunning balcony views overlooking the hill towards the pine forest.
Saung Lesehan in pine forest hill valley area with natural ambience of a mini waterfall and up the hill.
Bamboo hall building construction adopted by the village meeting hall roofed bamboo in the goldfish pond and has live music.
Forest pavilion for meetings and buffets on the hill pine forest.
Tourism Graphic Cikole terminal also has several different types of lodging :
Graphic hotel balcony with views towards the hills of pine forest.
Travel lodge on the hill pine forest , forest cottage architecture with fireplace and balcony overlooking the slopes.
The stage house comprises two floors with Betawi and Sundanese -style architecture located on the hill.
Camping facility with a capacity of 1000 people. There are 20 public toilets in the camping area, mosque, bonfire and supported with adequate electrical facilities.
for children in Terminal Tourism Graphic Cikole was no less diverse ,
ranging from special Outbound children, the Tree, Horse Riding,
Motorcycle ATV and Strawberry picking fruit.
for the end of adolescence and adulthood, Paintball games available,
such as adult Outbound down climbing, flying fox and rope bridge above
two heights.
issues in Graphic Cikole has become a top priority and enforced quite
strictly by the security guard who is always around 24 hours. In
addition, the officers known to be very friendly Cikole Graphic &
diligent help the guests, most of whom have not experienced in camping
or camping in the open.
yes , specifically for Camping, although in the tent, we will also
get a power point for the purposes of laptop & Mobile charger.
Hopefully this place can be one of inspiration to fill a family holiday activities. Rarely know we can find a place that offers a wild atmosphere with the amenities of urban style :)