Stay at Crocodile Hotel, Australia Jabiru - Crocodile Hotel in Australia is not a regular hotel. On the surface, this hotel possess a shape like a giant crocodile. Entering the inside, a large collection of photographs of alligators to be seen. The hotel is also located in the national park, brave ? Crocodile Hotel is located in Kakadu National Park, precisely in 1 Flinders Street, Locked Mail Bag 4, Jabiru, Australia. Location of national park located east of the city of Darwin in Australia. The hotel does not have a building of dozens of levels, but the form of a giant crocodile ! From site Crocodile Hotel, Friday ( 08/30/2013 ) hotel is perched on a giant crocodile -filled area grove of trees. Wild atmosphere you can also see around Crocodile Hotel. The hotel is also far enough away from the urban hustle ! Relax in luxurious rooms and neat. Enjoy the atmosphere of the wilderness national parks from private balconies provided by this hotel Fun is not it ? Wait, it turns out you will ' see ' a lot of crocodiles in the main lobby. Yes, along the walls there are photographs of various types of crocodiles on display. Not
just photos, you can also get information about any crocodile species,
such as alligator habitat locations in Australia and in the world. Moreover, where you stand also once a habitat for saltwater crocodiles. However, Crocodile Hotel turned out to have no less luxurious facilities with other five-star hotels. You can swim in the pool with views of the wilderness. The hotel also has a full menu of delicious food. If you want to stay there, the room rates are offered ranging from USD 141 - USD 301. Dare to spend the night at the hotel this crocodile ?